Wednesday, March 8, 2017


What is it?
Neurofeedback is a computerized therapy technique that teaches the brain to change itself by helping regulate attention, mood, behavior, cognition, and more. In simple terms, neurofeedback is positive reinforcement for the brain. It teaches the brain how to be better balanced, improving alertness, attention, emotional regulation, behavior, cognitive function, and mental flexibility. The neurofeedback device measures brain waves and teaches the brain to make healthier patterns by rewarding the brain through sounds and actions from a video game. Once these healthier brain patterns are practiced and learned, the effects of neurofeedback tend to hold, at least for many problems. As someone’s brain learns to improve and better modulate its own regulation, medication can often be reduced. Sometimes, it allows medications that weren’t working well to work better.

The Process:
One or two small sensors are placed on the head. The sensors detect the client’s brainwave activity. The amplifier picks up this information and converts it into a signal the computer can understand. The therapist will then set up a plan on what the student needs to focus on for better regulation of themselves. Once a plan is instated, a student chooses from a series of video games that they will use sounds and visual stimulation to reward and stabilize their dysregulation.

New to Woodward Academy
Neurofeedback has been used for over 30 years clinically, with hundreds of thousands of training sessions and it is new to Woodward Academy. Therapists are currently training with the technique and plan to use this effective model with students this year. There are no known situations where a long-term, adverse effect has been identified.

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