On April 19, the Iowa Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) awarded Woodward Academy's Jon Shelness the 2012 Greg Gaul Shining Star Award. The award that honors Gaul sheds light on the importance of working with troubled youth and the sacrifices that some have paid as a result. In 2004, Gaul was killed by a teenager he was working with and the event rocked the social worker community and the State of Iowa. The NASW has an article
here on the impact that this tragedy, and others like it had on the nation. Since then, the Iowa Chapter has honored his legacy with this award. The awards ceremony and luncheon took place in Des Moines with each recipient taking time to do an interview with Mediacom that played at the event. Thanks to Mediacom for providing this video to us. After the break, you can see Jon Shelness talk about his experiences at Woodward Academy and his dedication to his career.
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